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Leading Wesley Mission was a dream job for Rev Stu Cameron, even when he was immersed in his former role as Lead Minister at a vibrant Queensland church. After relocating to Sydney (he’s already picked Parramatta Eels as his NRL team), and a comprehensive two-month induction process, Stu welcomed the new year by becoming our CEO and Superintendent on January 1, 2021.

Get to know Wesley Mission’s new CEO.

Name: Stuart Cameron, call me Stu.

Education: Country High School (Naracoorte, SA), Bachelor of Arts (Accounting), Adelaide College of Divinity.

Formation: I was ordained as a Minister of the Word in May 2004, having been a Uniting Church member since there was a Uniting Church to belong to (1977). I was a know-it-all Sunday school kid and youth group brat who was blessed with patient, wise and Christ-like leaders and parents.

Career highlight to date: Lots, but leading Newlife Church with locations on the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Coolangatta for the last fifteen years would be top of the tree.

Why Wesley Mission: Because I believe God called me to serve here. Now here, I can see why. My heart for mission is very much the heart of Wesley Mission.

Surprises so far: The breadth and depth of all we do and the impact it has on individuals and communities. Every day I am inspired and often I am astonished.

Family: I’m married to Sue (we started dating when we were in high school!). We have two kids – Joel (27) and Emily (25).

Secret to your success: Curiosity and a willingness to learn from anyone or anywhere.

Early influences: From History, John Wesley, George Whitfield and William Wilberforce. Personally, my parents and the youth pastors and ministers who saw and called the best out of me.

Life verse: Two, actually. Romans 8:38-39.

Favourite way to relax: Golf (mid-range hacker). Reading (lots). Long-suffering supporter of the Adelaide Crows. Following my wife Sue around in Bunnings and sneaking a sausage when I can.

First job: Paper Boy (if you are under the age of 40, ask someone old like me what a Paper Boy was).

Describe yourself in three words: Passionate. Relational. Visionary.

Dogs or cats: Dogs. We have a very spoiled dog called Splash.

What makes Wesley Mission different: Our obsession with continuing the work of Jesus in Word AND deed. We speak good news and with our service, we live good news.

Ideal travel destination: New York.

Biggest leap of faith: Many – but following God’s call to live in four different states would be up there. In the end, faith is an adventure God calls us into.

Australia’s blind spot: Our addiction to gambling in all its forms. Without a doubt.

What keeps you up at night: Drinking too much caffeine! Actually, wondering from time to time whether I am stewarding my time, resources and abilities for God to the best of my ability.

What would you say to Wesley Mission donors and supporters: Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your partnership with us is critical. We cannot do all the good we can without your sacrificial generosity. Together, we are seeing lives changed forever. What a privilege! What a joy!

Every blessing,

Rev Stu Cameron
CEO and Superintendent, Wesley Mission


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