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Stu Cameron is the

CEO and Superintendent
of Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.

Stu Cameron

is the CEO and

Superintendent of

Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.


Hear what Stu has to say, listen to messages and find out where you can hear Stu speak live.


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Stu is a regularly sought out by media to comment on a range of issues - watch, listen and read the latest.

A quick message from Stu

Latest Articles


Tackling the housing crisis

Every Sunday as Sue and I traverse the Cahill Express on our way to church, I glance to the left and take in the view – ferries swirling around Circular Quay, the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and the magnificent Sydney Opera House. I will often comment that we will never…

Hospitality is the heartbeat of our work

There’s nothing I like more than getting together with friends around a table, sharing food and conversation. Sue and I are blessed to live in a lovely home with plenty of space to offer hospitality. Meals are shared around our second-hand BHP Newcastle work desk that years ago we transformed…

Church and a Six Pack

Decades ago, one of my Superintendent predecessors, Rev Alan Walker, initiated what is now our Easter Mission. Over the years Easter Mission has been expressed in various ways, including celebration services hosted in drive-ins, Darling Harbour spectaculars, Easter Sunrise service broadcasts from the Opera House and of course, our Easter…
Celebrating Wesley David Morgan Centre
Leadership Kryptonite
What fills your cup?
Church stock image
Repentance before Revival
Happy new year!
Churchill Leadership Lessons

Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

Stu Cameron, CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission

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You can find out more about Wesley Mission and the ministry and community services we offer here.