Wesley Mission has enjoyed a 212-year history. That’s more than 77,000 days. Some of those days are more significant than others. Like Thursday 9 May 2024…
In the NSW Supreme Court just after 4pm, we finalised our first adoption matter as an accredited adoption agency. Two children.
Nigel Lindsay, our General Manager and Principal Officer for Wesley Dalmar Child & Family, and a 30-year veteran of Wesley Mission, was present in the crowded courtroom, together with 20 family and friends. They were joined by the family’s caseworker, Chantelle. Nigel shared this exciting news so well in an email to his team at Wesley Dalmar:
“The process was a mixture of anticipation, excitement, fear and, as the judge read through his judgment, reverence and then joy.
I want to call out our adoption team on all their work with this matter. The feedback I received today from the Crown Solicitor’s Office is that our work was first-rate. Well done Kalyce (Adoptions Program Manager) and team.
I also want to call out Chantelle. The work you have done on this case has been so good. It was clear how much respect the adoptive mother has for you (no mean feat as this had been a long journey before your involvement).
This is a milestone for us and is one worth celebrating. We embarked on a long journey to become an adoption agency many, many years ago. At times we thought we may not get there. But we did.
Seeing the tears of relief and joy of all involved was testament it was worth it.”
So much work, by so many, over such a long period of time to get here. How flipping good. Praise God!
I invite you to be praying with me for this new adoptive family, as well as the many other children and families we are working with towards the same outcome. What an enormous privilege it is – with soft hearts, sharp minds, hard feet and open hands – to do this amazing ‘good’.

CEO and Superintendent, Wesley Mission