Dear Friends,
The grief of losing a loved one to suicide can feel like a wound that never heals. It is deep, complex and often full of unanswerable questions.
In these darkest valleys, comfort is at hand. Psalm 34:18 tells us that “God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God’s steadfast and encompassing love is with us, especially when the burden of loss, sadness and distress feels too heavy to bear.
This month, we mark World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, and R U Ok? Day on September 12 – critical days to support those struggling with their mental health and with mental illness, and more importantly, for us to reach out to others if we need support ourselves.
This season also provides an opportunity to remember loved ones lost to suicide, when we can draw strength from being together. Our annual LifeForce Suicide Memorial Service happens at the Opera House again this year on Friday, September 6. Every year, I’m grateful for the spirit of openness, support and courage that fills the space. And, for the spirit of hope. If you have a chance to join us, and particularly if you’ve lost someone to suicide, I warmly encourage you to attend. The details are below.
If you’re feeling crushed in spirit today, please know that your pain is not invisible to God, and it is not invisible to us. You are not alone; you are never alone. You are deeply loved. God’s love can reach you, directly and through the people around you.
God can and does heal every wound. In the end, God’s love never fails.
Every blessing,

CEO and Superintendent, Wesley Mission