Dear Friends,
At Wesley Mission our advocacy work comes from our values, in this case having Sharp Minds that truly understand what is making life hard for people, and Soft Hearts that compassionately empathise with individuals harmed by systemic injustice. We’re actively engaging our Sharp Minds and Soft Hearts to minimise gambling harm. Whether it is the harm inflicted by the 87,775 poker machines in pubs and clubs in New South Wales, or the tsunami of sports gambling ads on TV and digital screens, Wesley Mission is at the forefront of demanding reform.
Each day in New South Wales, $23 million is lost through poker machines, leading to untold financial and relationship stress, mental and physical ill health, housing insecurity, child neglect and, sadly, self-harm.
We also know that any advertising of any form of gambling helps to normalise all forms of gambling. Children who have grown up watching near-continuous ads for sports gambling, will naturally assume that any form of gambling is not only socially acceptable, but safe and cool.
My friends, to achieve the reforms we need, Wesley Mission cannot act alone. We’re building a strong and growing coalition of organisations that includes other faith groups and groups from across civil society. That helps build strength, but it’s not enough. We need you walking beside us.
Gambling harm awareness week (called GambleAware Week in New South Wales) is 21 – 27th October. We have three current actions, and I would like to ask you to take these three easy steps during that week:
- Join up – our sign-up page Pokies. You’re Being Played has more information on how poker machines are designed to addict, and how the industry is manipulating our communities
- Sign our petition – be among the first to add your name to a new petition to the NSW Government to ensure that every remaining poker machine is turned off from midnight to 10am
- Write to your local MP – there are only three more sitting weeks in Canberra. The government may try to introduce legislation to bring in a partial ban on gambling advertising, although the Parliamentary Committee, public health, gambling reform and lived experience experts have all said only a full ban will be effective. Our letter writing campaign has helped delay the announcement; now we are in the final push to change the government’s mind.
Your actions will make a difference! Together, we can end gambling harm.
Every blessing,

CEO and Superintendent, Wesley Mission