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Sue and I celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary on December 31. That’s right, New Year’s Eve. You would think with our anniversary falling on such a memorable date I would never, ever forget it. Like, ever. The ‘you’ would be wrong, as one fateful year I did. Thankfully, Sue forgot the same year as well! We learned early on to celebrate our anniversary on a different date to when it fell. The lure of New Year’s Eve parties was too much, not to mention it was too expensive to have a night away. 

A couple of weekends ago our family celebrated an anniversary of sorts, my dad’s 80th birthday. An epic (and long!) trip to rural South Australia, we marked the occasion with a special dinner and an even more special gift for dad – a custom-tailored kilt, a Cameron tartan of course. For the second time in my life, I wore a kilt, too. They are quite comfy! Look away now if seeing the picture will be too much for you. 

Anniversaries provide the opportunity to look back and celebrate and look forward and anticipate. For Sue and me, every year we take a moment to celebrate the faithfulness of God through the twists and turns of our life together so far. This year we will be celebrating being grandparents for the first time! We also look to the future horizon with expectant wonder for the new adventures God will take us on. 

Anniversaries are important. That’s why at our Thanksgiving Service every year (this year on December 3) we celebrate the significant work anniversaries of our colleagues. It is such a wonderful day, filled with joy. And it’s why this Sunday (June 18 at 10am) we will mark Wesley Mission’s 211th anniversary with a special celebration in the Wesley Theatre. I would love you to come. 

One day in May 1812, three men, one who had been transported to Australia as a convict (Edward Eagar), hosted the first Methodist gathering in Sydney. By 1819 the growing community had built the first Methodist chapel in the city, the very same year building a homeless shelter. In our origin story we see compelling evidence that, baked into Wesley Mission’s DNA, is our word and deed commitment in continuing the work of Jesus Christ. As I will often say, we’re not just here to make a noise, but a difference. 

At our Anniversary Celebration we will hear about the remarkable difference the Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) trial is making in the lives of survivors of domestic and family violence. Some of our congregations will be sharing their hopes and aspirations for the future. And I will be reflecting on what it means for Wesley Mission to continue to pioneer new services, new communities, and new churches. It’s all happening in the Wesley Theatre this coming Sunday at 10am and will be followed by morning tea. If you can’t join us in person, you can watch via livestream here

Before I sign off, I just want to let you know about an exciting FREE online event tonight that we will be hosting around gambling reform – Put Pokies in Their Place. Featuring Tim Costello, Helen Dalton MP and others, we will be exploring the next steps in ensuring the momentum for reform continues to gather pace, and most importantly, results in substantive change. You can register for the event here. 

Every blessing,

Rev Stu Cameron
CEO and Superintendent, Wesley Mission


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