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Stu Cameron is the

CEO and Superintendent
of Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.

Stu Cameron

is the CEO and

Superintendent of

Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.


Hear what Stu has to say, listen to messages and find out where you can hear Stu speak live.


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Stu is a regularly sought out by media to comment on a range of issues - watch, listen and read the latest.

A quick message from Stu

Latest Articles


A Trampled Sacrifice

Sue and I love to travel. It’s our indulgent joy. For more than two decades we’ve especially enjoyed south-east Asia. We love the food, culture, history, beauty and especially the people across the region. Bali only dropped onto our list of places visited recently. We loved it.  When we travel,…
Stu Cameron | Wesley Mission Sydney

Weird for the right reasons

Captivated by God’s Grace, saturated in God’s Love and empowered by God’s Spirit – followers of Jesus are called to be radically different.  Too often the church is seen as weird for all the wrong reasons – for superficiality, judgmentalism or hypocrisy. But we’re actually called to be peculiar, to…

What sustains us?

Dear Friends,  Happy New Year! I hope your Christmas was both meaningful and restful. Sue and I enjoyed a refreshing time visiting with family and friends, returning home excited and grateful for God’s presence in our lives.   I think it was Eugene Peterson who said, reflecting on the narrative arc…
2024 Annual Report
A taste of heaven
Stu Cameron | Wesley Mission Sydney | Gambling Reform
Soft hearts, sharp minds in action
Remembering loved ones lost to suicide
Stu Cameron | Wesley Mission Sydney
My best investment
Housing catastrophe has led to homelessness tragedy

Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

Stu Cameron, CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission

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If you want to make a difference in your community and world, you’ll enjoy Stu’s weekly ‘Soft hearts, sharp minds’ email, where he reflects on things that really matter.

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You can find out more about Wesley Mission and the ministry and community services we offer here.