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Stu Cameron is the

CEO and Superintendent
of Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.

Stu Cameron

is the CEO and

Superintendent of

Wesley Mission.

He is a purpose-driven entrepreneur, a collaborative leader and is passionate about advocacy and stewardship. A gifted preacher and communicator, Stu has spoken at leadership events and numerous churches across Australia.


Hear what Stu has to say, listen to messages and find out where you can hear Stu speak live.


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Stu is a regularly sought out by media to comment on a range of issues - watch, listen and read the latest.

A quick message from Stu

Latest Articles

Sports gambling ban

Join the push for a sports gambling ad ban🚫

Dear Friends, It’s been a little while since I last wrote to you. Saying this, I have a really important ‘ask’ for you.  Gambling reform is Wesley Mission’s primary advocacy goal, in part due to the feedback we receive from our staff who were seeing the large scope and scale of…

Truth-telling and truth-listening are critical to reconciliation

Every day I endeavour to follow Jesus’ example, especially when it comes to pursuing and telling the truth, despite often faltering and failing in my commitment. In John 8:32, Jesus says to his disciples, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. Telling the truth is…

Celebrate with me – a milestone day

Wesley Mission has enjoyed a 212-year history. That’s more than 77,000 days. Some of those days are more significant than others. Like Thursday 9 May 2024… In the NSW Supreme Court just after 4pm, we finalised our first adoption matter as an accredited adoption agency. Two children. Nigel Lindsay, our…
Tackling the housing crisis
Hospitality is the heartbeat of our work
Church and a Six Pack
Celebrating Wesley David Morgan Centre
Leadership Kryptonite
What fills your cup?

Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

Stu Cameron, CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission

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You can find out more about Wesley Mission and the ministry and community services we offer here.